Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Breakin' Down the Christmas Tree, Part 3

Part 1: Fighting Styles and Techniques: Introduction
Part 2: Street Fighter

So, we continue this series in Fighting Styles (an easy replacement for magic weapons, armor, and neck slot items) with a style called the Green Arrow. It was actually a couple of days until I realized that I had inadvertently given it the same name as a DC Comics superhero. Oops. So, I guess that a renaming would be in order.

So, I present to you the "Wild Arrow" style!

Your training isn't pretty, but it works.
Prerequisites: Dex 13
You gain the Scout Style and the Wildstep Technique. You may not take fighting style feats from another school.

Scout [STYLE]
"Fleet of foot, swift of bow."
You gain the following bonus to all ranged attacks and damage rolls:
1st-5th Level: +1
6th-10th Level: +2
11th-15th Level: +3
16th-20th Level: +4
21st-25th Level: +5
26th-30th Level: +6
For each plus, roll 1d6 on a critical hit. Once per encounter, you may shift two squares as a minor action.

Wildstep [TECHNIQUE]
Training and experience in the woods have aided your ability to move.
While this technique is active, you gain the following bonus to your AC, Reflex, and either Fortitude or Will defenses (chosen when you activate this technique):
1st-5th Level: +1
6th-10th Level: +2
11th-15th Level: +3
16th-20th Level: +4
21st-25th Level: +5
26th-30th Level: +6
You add your Wisdom modifier to saving throws against being slowed, and any time you would be pushed, pulled or slid, reduce the movement by 1 square.

You know how to keep an enemy in one spot.
Prerequisites: Woodland Training, Wis 13
When you hit an enemy with a ranged weapon attack, they are slowed until the start of your next turn.

Controlling the battlefield is your specialty.
Prerequisites: Woodland Training, Int 13
You gain the Scattershot Technique.

Scattershot [TECHNIQUE]
With a swift barrage, you can keep foes distracted and your allies safe.
While this technique is active, you gain the following bonus to your Reflex and either AC, Fortitude, or Will defense (chosen when you activate this technique):
1st-5th Level: +1
6th-10th Level: +2
11th-15th Level: +3
16th-20th Level: +4
21st-25th Level: +5
26th-30th Level: +6
All allies within 3 squares of you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

With these feats in hand, your character will be more than ready to showcase the deft work of the Wild Arrow guerillas! What's next? I thought that I'd take a crack at the fabled Eastern martial arts...

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