Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Breakin' Down the Christmas Tree, Part 4

Part 1: Fighting Styles and Techniques: Introduction
Part 2: Street Fighter
Part 3: Wild Arrow

Well, all things must come to at least a temporary end, it seems, at least on this blog. I'll be finishing up the "Christmas Tree" series by touching upon a style inspired by the Eastern Martial Arts, which gave in turn their own inspiration to D&D's own "monk" class, a target of...well...a little bit of ridicule and a little bit of fluff strangeness (in the new edition, that is, but I won't go into that rant...) Let's have a look, though, at another take on this theme. It's not designed so much to deal damage as to keep the enemy on their toes...and to keep you in the fight.

Here is my final go at working through the initial steps of a fighting style. If people like what I've done, sometime in the future I may come back and expand on the fighting styles I've already done, plus add some more.

You use your body, not steel, to deal your blows.
Prerequisites: Dex 13
You gain the Unarmed Combat Style and the Calm Mind Technique. Additionally, you gain a +3 proficiency with unarmed attacks. You may not take fighting style feats from another school.

Unarmed Combat [STYLE]
"I am a weapon."
You gain the following bonus to all unarmed attacks and damage rolls:
1st-5th Level: +1
6th-10th Level: +2
11th-15th Level: +3
16th-20th Level: +4
21st-25th Level: +5
26th-30th Level: +6
On a critical hit, target is dazed (save ends) and knocked prone.

You protect yourself with balance and peace from within.
While this technique is active, you gain the following bonus to your AC, Fortitude, Reflex, and Will defenses:
1st-5th Level: +1
6th-10th Level: +2
11th-15th Level: +3
16th-20th Level: +4
21st-25th Level: +5
26th-30th Level: +6
Each time you spend a healing surge, heal 1d4 additional HP.

Your attacks rain down on the enemy with rapidity.
Prerequisites: Monk Training, Wis 13
Once per encounter, you may spend a healing surge to change the range of an attack to "Close burst 1."

"To truly fight, you must be as water, adapting to anything, free to do anything."
Prerequisites: Monk Training, Wis 13
You gain the Streamstep.

Streamstep [TECHNIQUE]
You glide across the field, with an uncanny ease.
While this technique is active, you gain the following bonus to your Reflex, AC, and either Fortitude or Will defense (chosen when you activate this technique):
1st-5th Level: +1
6th-10th Level: +2
11th-15th Level: +3
16th-20th Level: +4
21st-25th Level: +5
26th-30th Level: +6
You gain a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks.

So, there you go. Let me know what you think of the feats, if they need to be toned down or brought up a bit! Hopefully you've enjoyed this little series...come back next week, and I'll have a fun little houserule that you can play with, to add a bit more excitement...

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