Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Journey System: A Little Poll

So, for the first time in the history of this blog *drumroll*, I'm going to take a vaguely scientific approach to things, and give all of you a poll! So, here's the topic. I'm going to start covering attributes from the Journey System, doing a bit of a writeup on what each one means, in my mind, and a little sample of how they interact with the game. (Each attribute will, if all is as I hope, have a unique twist on interacting with the rules) So, that being in the poll at the right, and let me know what you're interested in hearing about!

Strength: The way of physical power
Dexterity: The path of the fleet-footed and agile
Craft: All the cunning you'd ever want
Wisdom: The insight to peer into the soul
Passion: The fire that levels mountains
Belief: The guiding strength that drives a hero


  1. Passion and Belief seem like they'd overlap a lot to me. So I voted for Belief in the hopes that an explanation of your plan will set things straight for me.

  2. *nods* Cool. The best immediate explanation I can give is that Passion is like a giant flamethrower, while Belief is kinda like a campfire. Belief is a lot less raw, a lot more refined, a lot more structured.
