Friday, August 20, 2010

Late Again??

Oops. Well, folk, I've been a tad busy, getting ready to move back to college, visiting with an old friend, that sort of stuff. So, I'll keep things brief by offering a little something for all of you to peruse. I'll be running a campaign next semester, and I've got a little page up about it.

Obsidian Portal for Spark of Fae

There's not a whole lot there (Races and info on the power sources is just about all that I've got viewable to all so far), because I'm working on a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff, which will all be made visible shortly enough. But yes, you may want to have a peruse. I'm aiming to make a fun setting that's a good deal simpler than the standard cosmology and such.

Also, keep an eye open as I begin the campaign and give session recaps...

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