Saturday, June 30, 2012

What's Next?

Well, folks, sorry that I haven't been terribly prolific on the blog. Things aren't necessarily about to change fast, because I just got a new job (starting in August), and I'll be prepping for the cross-country relocation. However, I do have some things on the plate...

Planned Posts
What's in the works? Well, I'll be writing up the conclusion to Unspent soon, because we finished it some time ago. I'll also get back in the groove for the Mech campaign. I've got some quick reviews for various game systems planned, and a review of a short story collection that I'm reading through.

Super-Special Surprises
Aaaaaand I have a couple things I'll be surprising y'all with. Just to spice some things up. They're very cool things, and I'll be enlightening you about them as they draw nearer....

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